JMX MBean View


Sun Dec 22 00:40:33 SGT 2024
DescriptionXMBean Attribute Persistence Service

Attribute Name Access Type Description Attribute Value
ApmDestroyOnServiceStop RW boolean Specifies whether to call destroy() on the AttributePersistenceManager implementation, upon service stop
AttributePersistenceManagerClass RW java.lang.String The actual AttributePersistenceManager implementation
AttributePersistenceManagerConfig RW org.w3c.dom.Element The XML configuration that is passed to the AttributePersistenceManager implementation
VersionTag RW java.lang.String The version tag to use for stored/loaded Attribute data
Name R java.lang.String The class name of the MBean
State R int The status of the MBean
StateString R java.lang.String The status of the MBean in text form

Operation Return Type Description Parameters
apmCreate Factory method returning the active AttributePersistenceManager implementation, for internal usage
[no parameters]
apmExists boolean Delegated to the active APM returns true when a persisted image with this id exists
id java.lang.String The id of the persisted attribute image
apmRemove void Delegated to the active APM removes the specified persisted attribute image
id java.lang.String The id of the persisted attribute image
apmRemoveAll void Delegated to the active APM removes the persisted attribute images
[no parameters]
apmListAll [Ljava.lang.String; Delegated to the active APM it returns a list with the ids of all persisted attribute images
[no parameters]
apmListAllAsString java.lang.String Delegated to the active APM it returns a single string with the ids of all persisted attribute images
[no parameters]
create void Standard MBean lifecycle method
[no parameters]
start void The start lifecycle operation
[no parameters]
stop void The stop lifecycle operation
[no parameters]
destroy void The destroy lifecycle operation
[no parameters]
jbossInternalLifecycle void The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)
method java.lang.String The lifecycle operation